I Drank Human Tonik for 30 Days. Here’s What Happened.

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Green drinks are everywhere nowadays.

But are they actually any good?

And should you be taking them?

After my review of AG1 by Athletic Greens I got many requests to review other green drinks.

But only Human Tonik stood out as one interesting enough for me to try.

With a fully transparent formula, and a philosophy of less but better, Human Tonik claims to create many health and wellness benefits for its users.

But does the reality live up to the marketing?

In this video, I share my experience of taking Human Tonik every day for 30 days to see how it affected my body.

By the end of the video, you'll know:

- How I felt after 30 days of Human Tonik

- How it compares to AG1 by Athletic Greens

- Whether or not you should buy Human Tonik, or if you can pass

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