What A Plant-Based Nutrition Coach Eats In A Day

In this video, I show you exactly what I eat in a day as a plant-based nutrition coach!

Knowing the principles of good plant-based nutrition isn't enough.

We also need to know HOW to put these principles together into easy, cheap, delicious meals!

Today, I'll share with you exactly what I eat throughout the day to fuel my healthy, active, plant-based lifestyle.

I start with an intense workout to challenge myself and get my body moving first thing in the morning.

For breakfast, I share my favorite recipe: overnight oats! This meal is super delicious, easy to make, and packed with plant-based nutrition. It's a great way to start your day in a delicious and nutritious way.

Next, I share my typical mid-morning snack. Packed with protein and fiber, this gets me through to lunch, especially since my mornings are so busy and require lots of energy.

Then it's time for lunch!

Today I'm making a scrumptious basil walnut pesto pasta! It comes together in less than 30 minutes and is absolutely decadent! Definitely some great plant-based comfort food, for sure! Plus, it's only a few ingredients, so it works if you're plant-based on a budget as well.

Come mid-afternoon I need a pick-me-up.

That's where my banana-berry power smoothie comes in! This smoothie is packed with nutrients and is a great bridge from lunch to dinner. Plus, it adds much needed calories as I continue to build lean muscle on my plant-based diet.

Finally comes dinner!

Tonight, I'm making a plant-based vegetable & couscous soup! Rich, delicious, hearty, and nutritious, it's the perfect plant-based dinner for a chilly December evening. If you're looking for plant-based comfort food, this recipe is for you!

This full day of plant-based eating covers all of my nutritional needs and gives you a blueprint for planning your OWN plant-based lifestyle!

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to get all my strategies, tips, and resources to help you THRIVE on a plant-based lifestyle!

Join My 5-Day Plant-Based Bootcamp: https://5daybootcamp.plantbasedteacher.com/


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